This national hub will bring the client, civil legal aid and public defender communities plus our partners in the private bar and in-house counsel, together to develop and implement anti-racist strategies that will actively transform their organizations and the legal system.
- Translate knowledge about structural racism into arguments for individual cases;
- Translate the stories and lessons of individual cases into strategic litigation or policy advocacy for lasting change;
- Build genuine, sustainable, community-led partnerships;
- The Institute will build a new community of learning and collaboration and provide anti-racism training, resources, and policy guidance for civil legal aid and defender offices and leaders. Institute resources will help leaders and advocates;
- Align organizational internal DEI policies and practices to model anti-racism and incorporate an intentional focus and racial lens into their advocacy;
- Collaborate with private bar and business partners to drive systemic change; and
- Develop and utilize effective legal arguments, standards, empirical data and more to litigate race in the courtroom and promote anti-racist policies in their own jurisdictions.