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A little info about our hotel. We do not have parking on site, we share parking with the Ritz Carlton across the street. Their garage is 3rd party parking, which is paid over there or online using Spot Hero, subject to their availability. We ask our guests to arrive at our hotel 1st to unload all of your belongings in our “U” shaped driveway and to prevent you from hauling luggage from the garage, even if you pay for parking in advance. Once we get you checked in and settled, we will explain parking when you come down to move your vehicle. Parking is up to $40 per 24 hours in the garage and recommended. Parking on the street is welcomed but at guests’ risk as you are limited to the city’s parking restrictions and possible parking tickets of $100+ or towing.

You can pay for this in advance and hopefully at a discounted rate ($35) using Spot Hero following these steps: